Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well, I'm not drinking and it feels GOOD

I haven't written in a while. In fact since I last wrote I have spent much of it actually drinking. It's one thing to want to stop drinking. It's quite another to actually do it.

I'm not talking about the one or two sober days here and there. I'm talking about actually making the decision and following through and not drinking consistently.

I'd love to hear from you and start a conversation about how you are doing. Are you drinking and wanting not to? Have you successfully stopped drinking for a sustained period of time?

We can learn from each other. Let's talk.

Friday, July 18, 2008

still drinking

I have finished the last of the vodka this evening. I am going to read the Crash course on Addictive Identity right now. Back to you soon...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I wish today was day one

I have had several drinks today. I am also reading about Rational Recovery.

I have been going to AA sporadically lately. My officlial sobriety date is December 19, 2007. The thing is, I have had drinks several times since then. I am pretty much in denial about my drinking right now.

I tell myself that I haven't exactly started drinking again. I'm just have drinks now and then. But, of course, I am drinking again. That's why I'm looking at the Rational Recovery page. I am not sure what I think of the idea that I and I alone am respondable for both my drinking and stopping my drinking.

Part of the problem is that what I read tells me I have to stop going to AA. I can't do this without talking to Morgan; and if I do that I need to talk to her about my recent/current drinking.